Jio Phone booking process started on Thursday, roughly a month after the company officially unveiled the handset to the world at an event in Mumbai. The 4G feature phone's beta trials started on August 15, but those were limited only to select employees of Reliance Jio, and not the public. But now with the Jio Phone bookings officially begun via both online and offline channels, prospective buyers can head to offline retail stores, Jio website or MyJio app to place their orders. The start was not smooth though, as the Jio website crashed and MyJio refused to let users place orders, though both are working now. If you are unsure of how to order the handset, this guide will explain all you need to do to book Jio Phone.
When do Jio Phone bookings start?
Jio Phone bookings will start at 5:30pm on August 24 via the MyJio app, official website, and authorised Reliance Jio offline retailers.
How to book Jio Phone?
To book JioPhone using the MyJio app, just open the app and tap on the Prebook Now option. Next, provide your phone number and the pincode of the area you live in, and tap on Proceed. That’s it, you will get a booking ID on the app as well as SMS, which you can refer to while picking it up from the designated retailer.
To book a unit for a friend or family member, simply input their phone number and delivery pincode and make the payment. In this case, the SMS will be sent to you as well as your friend’s mobile number, with the address of the retailer and booking ID.
Jio Phone price and delivery date
As mentioned above, the phone is free to buy but you will have to make a Rs. 1,500 refundable security deposit “to avoid potential misuse.” Gadgets 360 understands the payment will be made in two parts – Rs. 500 is to be paid when you make the booking, while the remaining Rs. 1,000 needs to be paid while picking up the handset.
When do Jio Phone bookings start?
Jio Phone bookings will start at 5:30pm on August 24 via the MyJio app, official website, and authorised Reliance Jio offline retailers.
How to book Jio Phone?
To book JioPhone using the MyJio app, just open the app and tap on the Prebook Now option. Next, provide your phone number and the pincode of the area you live in, and tap on Proceed. That’s it, you will get a booking ID on the app as well as SMS, which you can refer to while picking it up from the designated retailer.
To book a unit for a friend or family member, simply input their phone number and delivery pincode and make the payment. In this case, the SMS will be sent to you as well as your friend’s mobile number, with the address of the retailer and booking ID.
Jio Phone price and delivery date
As mentioned above, the phone is free to buy but you will have to make a Rs. 1,500 refundable security deposit “to avoid potential misuse.” Gadgets 360 understands the payment will be made in two parts – Rs. 500 is to be paid when you make the booking, while the remaining Rs. 1,000 needs to be paid while picking up the handset.
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